Taylor, the kids and myself went out to the Mids today. The weather was a bit cold when we started, but it warmed up to a perfect climbing temperature. I have never climbed "Nut'n a Sling" (5.8) so we went up to it. We rock-paper-scissored for the lead and I won (or lost depending on view). I started up the climb and found bolt holes. I don't know who would bolt this climb because it takes gear very well. The top section is very fun and makes you think. I was having a hard time concentrating since our shower stopped producing hot water. I was able to get the cartridge out of the faucet, but Lowe's didn't have the part. Thankfully Grover's had it when I went in today. So I was drifting to thinking about the impending repair. As of this writing, the shower is producing hot water and I only lost a small amount of flesh!

Sierra on "Nut'n a Sling" (5.8)
After Taylor cleaned the route we put the kids on it. The Little Man made it about half way, and Sierra made it about three quarters before crapping out. We then moved down to a 10a named "In Vitro". Taylor led up the climb very nicely. I then worked my way up and was stopped by the bulge. It has great moves through it, but my legs were noodles after running five laps on the 5.8. I need to start a Rock training routine very soon. I was frustrated to fall because of a lack of power. I was able to finish the climb, but I was roasted!

Little Man on "Nut'n a Sling" (5.8)
It was a good day to be out. There were hardly any other climbers out. Nobody was at the Mids except for us. Two guys walked by earlier in the day, but I don't know where they went. Taylor said "Hi", but the guys didn't acknowledge him. I don't know if they thought they were too hard to say "hi" or just a couple of pricks. Maybe the geographical origins of the pair were South enough to affect their attitude. Taylor's friend Dustin showed up with a few friends later in the day. I hadn't seen Dustin in a year. He is doing well and climbing a lot of ice. I wish that I could make a pilgrimage down to Ouray with him. As I always say, "There's always Alpine Ice!"
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