Copperhead (10a)
My hand is still a little jacked up from my feet popping off and landing on a hand jam about a month ago. It starts to feel good and then someone shakes my hand with the "I'm trying to impress you with my squeeze" type handshake and then it's sore again.

Minuteman (5.8)
I think that living in Boise and being a climber is a good thing. I can't think how many times we come out to the Black Cliffs. In the summer when there's good light, we sometimes climb 5 days a week. Granted, 5.8s, 5.9s and 5.10s aren't the hardest, but we have fun. I think that Alex Lowe said, "The best climber in the world is the one having the most fun!" Sometimes it can be crowed, but everyone is trying to enjoy the rock just like me, so there's good energy. Also, I love trad climbing and most people are at the Mid Cliffs clipping bolts. So if you can place gear, there's a lot of climbing to be done that doesn't get done much. I grew up here and remember seeing people like Ted Thompson, Rob Hart and Mike Stoeger climbing and being scared shitless of them. I often wish I would've kept climbing, I took a layoff and am now working back up to the higher grades. It's a journey.

The kids were very good up there. I was worried how they would act with only me and Taylor, but they were great. I am so glad that my wife and kids are tolerant of my addiction to climbing! Bonnie is a good climber and I think that once she starts leading gear routes her mind will open to the possibilities of climbing harder. I never want her to feel like she HAS to climb. She is by far, my most favorite climbing partner! Ever since Damon died, I have been thinking of how much of a void people leave when they are gone. I have to be a better person. The better the person, the bigger the void!
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