We traveled to Smith Rock to do some climbing last weekend. I knew that the weather would be suspect, but I figured that we would be able to climb all three days. We could and we did. There was rain each day. Sunday turned out to be the best, unfortunately we were headed back home and could only climb a couple of hours. We got there on Friday and went straight to Cinnamon Slab (5.6). It was a cool climb.

Cinnamon Slab (5.6)
Bonnie and Sierra climbed it and then we moved on. Having people right next to you is different. At the City you can skitter from crag to crag and never HAVE to climb right next to someone, not here.

Rapping Cinnamon Slab
You really have to just accept that you will wait in line to do the popular climbs and that people will be right behind you and rapping over you. One guy next to me said that if the river flowed in a circle around the park it would be Disneyland.
I wish we would have taken more pictures, but we were using our older camera and it's a piece. I prefer the "duct tape" camera. Placing gear there was also different. There are so many little imperfections in the cracks that you really have to make sure of the cams. I can understand why Metolious created their fatter lobed cams.

5.7 under cover
We climbed a short but sweet 5.7 that was completely under an overhang and while it rained hard we climbed! It was a great weekend. Now, on to the City...